
Starting From Zero


In my last post, 365, I reflected on the lengthy silence that has reverberated here. I fully intended to break the silence, to start writing again, however, work and other commitments conspired against me.

2014 is over and I’m putting it behind me. 2015 is an opportunity to make a fresh start. I fully intend to reignite my writing here. fsck allows me the space to reflect on content that doesn’t sit neatly anywhere else and I’m reluctant to let that opportunity slip through my fingers.

I’ll close 2014 by quoting from my last post (its sentiment still stands):

It’s been quiet here for so long that I suspect most readers will have moved on to pastures new. If you’re still around, thanks for your patience, I’m looking forward to kickstarting the conversation once again.

I wish you a peaceful and prosperous new year. See you in 2015, I hope.

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